Thursday, June 11, 2015


This is thirty.

While Tyler and I ate burgers and turkey leg sandwiches last night he asked me if I had any regrets in my twenties and I couldn't think of a single thing.  Sure there were nights of utter debauchery (the stories from those nights make it all worth it) but for the most part I'm happy with the last decade. I spent almost all of it with the guy who is now my husband and I think that was the best decision I could have ever made. My girlfriends/sister and I had some pretty epic nights filled with pizza, beer, and laughter.  I learned a lot about myself and figured out what makes me happy and what stresses me out.  I kind of finally found my look and what works on me (skinny cropped pants, button down shirts). I traveled the world (literally) with the world's best travel partner.  I graduated college, became financially independent, survived a hurricane, got a smart phone, paid off my college loans, bought myself some great shoes, and started a blog.  I ate a lot of scrambled eggs and drank a lot of beer and read a lot of books.  I fell in love with a dog who is a little crazy but makes me a lot happy. I cooked so much. Someday's I am amazed at how many things I've made.  And most of it was good. Really good!

As I look into the next decade I realize a lot will probably happen.  Tyler and I will probably buy a house/apartment/absurd fixer-upper.  I will (I will!) find a job that will merge my current career skills with food. We will travel more.  I will watch my friends/family get married and become mommies.  I will probably buy more shoes (already thinking about a pair...).

So this is thirty and I'm OK with how it looks.  

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